Sunday, October 28, 2012

015. Beedrill

Poison Bee Pokémon

Beedrill is extremely territorial. No one should ever approach its nest - this is for their own safety. If angered, they will attack in a furious swarm. When angered Beedrill flies at violent speeds, all the while stabbing with the toxic stinger on its rear.It has 3 poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly. The barb on its tail secretes the most powerful poison. It can take down any opponent with its powerful poison stingers. It smokes a lot and hangs around Walmart parking lots looking for trouble. Beedrill talks a mean game but has never seen a girl naked.

014. Kakuna

Cocoon Pokémon

Kakuna remains virtually immobile as it clings to a tree. However, on the inside, it is extremely busy as it prepares for its coming evolution. This is evident from how hot the shell becomes to the touch. As its body becomes softer, the external shell hardens. While awaiting evolution, it hides from predators under leaves and in nooks of branches. Although it is a cocoon, it can move a little. It can extend its poison barb if it is attacked. Kakuna smells like old tires and sassafras. The soft meat inside is delicious.

013. Weedle

Hairy Pokémon

Often found in forests and grasslands, Weedle has a sharp, venomous stinger on its head. Its poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright colors are intended to warn off enemies. It can usually be found under the leaves it eats. It eats its weight in leaves every day. Weedle is very pretentious about its veganism and has been known to refuse to be in a building where meat is being eaten, sort of like Morrissey. Weedle has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red proboscis. It will get in your hair while camping.